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Radioactive Contaminants from Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Operations
Senator Says Pennsylvania Bypassed Feds & Issued “Illegal” Permit, Radioactive Fracking Waste
True or False: Common Concerns about Water and Shale Gas Drilling in the Mid-Atlantic Region
How does fracking work? - Mia Nacamulli
Senator Muth Told Public Herald That The Plan For Dimock Is “Environmental Injustice”
Wasted Water: The Impacts of Fracking’s Water Use from Pennsylvania to Colorado
Forever Chemicals in Pennsylvania’s Oil & Gas Production: A New Report from PSR
Radioactive Costs of Oil & Gas Webinar with Spanish subtitles
Fracking Wastewater Is Radioactive And Contaminated, Study Finds
Downstream Radioactivity: What on Earth is Coming out of the Pipes?
Still Wasting Away: Oil and Gas Radioactivity and Toxicity Still a Threat One Year Later
Webinar: Radioactive Fracking Wastewater: Chilling Threat to Health